Visit the Patients at Sea Turtle Hospital in Charleston

Sea Turtle Hospital – Charleston

A part of the South Carolina Aquarium, the Sea Turtle Hospital is a very important part of the conservation of this beautiful and wonderful marine creature. Sea turtles share beaches with humans on a regular basis. Partly because of their close contact with humans, the turtles sometimes become sick or injured.

To help these amazing creatures, the South Carolina Aquarium created the Sea Turtle Rescue Program. Now, whenever a wounded or ill sea turtle is found along the South Carolina coast, it is brought to the Sea Turtle Hospital. While at the hospital, the turtle is nursed to health by a team dedicated to the safety and recovery of the turtles.

You can even take a “behind the scenes” tour of the Sea Turtle Hospital. While on the tour, you get to see the type of special care that the injured and ill sea turtles receive from some of the best and most dedicated specialists and volunteers in the business.

At the hospital, you will also get to meet the patients – the sea turtles! While you visit the turtles, the staff and volunteers will tell you the ailments and injuries from which the turtles suffer, as well as all the types of treatment and care that the turtles are receiving. In addition, you will also hear about all of the different success stories that came from the 25 turtles that already were released from the hospital

The staff will also make sure the visitors understand just how important these turtles, as well as all the world’s creatures, are in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. You can also learn all you can do to keep the local turtles happy and healthy and how you can donate to the turtles recovering in the hospital.

The tour is a great way to help children (and adults) to understand just how important conservation and clean ocean efforts truly are. Not only that, but the tours are both interesting and fun. It is well worth the trip, and you can spend part of your day at the aquarium and then take your tour.

The tours are half and hour long, and operate Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. All tours start at 1 PM. Admission for the tour is $10 for adults and $5 for children aged 2 – 12. Because these tours are very popular, it is a good idea to call ahead for reservations. You can call (843) 579-8600 for advanced tickets.

100 Aquarium Wharf ST
Charleston,SC 29401
Phone: (843) 720-1990
Fax: (843) 720-3861
Toll Free: (800) 722-6455

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